Kenora’s Little Ski Hill with a Big Heart!
Due to the extreme cold temperatures we will not be open Sunday, January 19, 2025.
New helmet policy! Helmets will be mandatory for all individuals in the terrain park, tubing, and youth under 18 on the hill.
Save the dates: January 4&5, 2025
Join us Saturday evening, January 4th under the lights from 4 -7 pm on our KNBC trails, Mt Evergreen Ski Area, at our 6km lit loop for a Nordic ski Festival.
- 4-6 pm: Ski under the lights with fun/silly races
- 6-7 pm: Chili & Bannock $15 per person
- Email [email protected] to reserve your chili dinner
We will offer a warm-up trail and then host some fun short loop events such as:
- No poles, legs only
- Double poling
- Hill climb race
- Dinner to follow in the Chalet
Self timed for bragging rights, stopwatch provided
Sunday January 5th, our attention shifts to the Lake of the Woods Gun Club Biathlon Range and Trails
- Registration 10:00 am
- Zeroing 11:00 am
- Race 12:00 noon, race format TBD
- Registration found here: https://zone4.ca/register.asp?id=37576&lan=1&cartlevel=1
Save the Date: January 25&26, 2025
Saturday Nordic racing at Mount Evergreen, technique and format TBD
Sunday Biathlon race at Lake of the Woods Gun Club
- Registration 10:00 am
- Zeroing 11:00 am
- Race start 12:00 noon, race format TBD
turday January 27, 2024:
MB Cup Race. KNBC Trails, Mt Evergreen Ski & Recreation Area. Free Technique. Registration & Race Notice on Zone4.ca.
Sunday January 28th, 2024:
Kenora’s first ever Biathlon Race! Lake of the Woods Gun Club. Registration and Race Notice on Zone4.ca.