We have worked very hard to make our trails some of the best cross-country skiing you’ll experience in Central Canada. We have over 20 km of beautiful ski trails that offer both classic and skate skiers the chance to experience the magnificent Canadian Boreal Forest. All trails are groomed for classic skiing and almost 7 km of trails also accommodate skate skiing. With the 2022-23 “Light the Trail” campaign now complete, KNBC boasts 6 km of lit trails (Frank Symonds/Two Towers/Matoos/ Jackrabbit/Mattos Return) and with this – trail widening and flattening was made possible! Thank you to the work of several KNBC and community volunteers and our corporate & governmental sponsors for bringing this project to light (pun intended), increasing safety and accessibility for all. To learn more about this project, click here. Many trail improvements have been completed including continued improvement to our newest trail, Red Fox! It is a must ski! Our trails are suited for all skill levels from beginner to expert allowing KNBC to host a variety of events including Paranordic and the largest gathering of school aged children in Canada (500 in 2005) as well as the Manitoba Provincial Championships.
Our trail system was expanded in 2003 with design assistance from Reijo Puiras who is a former Canadian Olympic cross country skier. Over the years the trails have been widened and more trails have been added to enhance and utilize the beautiful property where we are located. We have a total elevation rise of over 60 meters which will afford you some spectacular views. It will also provide you with some thrilling downhill sections.
Night skiing is available with 5 km now lit. Headlamps for early morning or evening continue to be encouraged as trails beyond our lower 5 km are not lit. If you have never skied at night you are in for quite an experience.
New in 2024:
- KNBC has expanded their Biathlon Range to a 9-person range located at Lake of the Woods gun Club.
- Signage! You asked for it and we got it! KNBC has been hard at work over the summer installing new permanent signage on our trail system. Signs are color-coded aluminum signs that indicate the length of trail and the national standard degree of difficulty of the trail (green, blue, black). Now you can easily select trails that match your skiing ability at a glance.
- Also watch for some new and exciting trail alignments on our back classic trails. Please be safety conscious and respect all trail signage, particularly “One Way Trail” signage. These signs are in place to protect your safety and the safety of your fellow skiers.
KNBC trail improvements would not have been made possible without the generous funding provided by Kenora Hospitality Alliance, FedNor, Ontario Trillium Foundation, Northern Ontario Heritage Foundation, City of Kenora, Lake of the Woods Community Foundation, Moncrief Construction Ltd., Cabin Country Realty, The Hardwear Co., and Copperfin Credit Union.
President: Jennie Hissa
Past President: Tom Mosindy
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Tom Mosindy
Big Bunny: August Collison ([email protected])
Leo Heynes (Trails)
Ursula Larsson (Race/Events Coordinator/Mt Evergreen Liaison)
Tim Wehner (Biathlon)
Tracy Munn (Registrar)
Save the dates: January 4&5, 2025
Join us Saturday evening, January 4th under the lights from 4 -7 pm on our KNBC trails, Mt Evergreen Ski Area, at our 6km lit loop for a Nordic ski Festival.
- 4-6 pm: Ski under the lights with fun/silly races
- 6-7 pm: Chili & Bannock $15 per person
- Email [email protected] to reserve your chili dinner
We will offer a warm-up trail and then host some fun short loop events such as:
- No poles, legs only
- Double poling
- Hill climb race
- Dinner to follow in the Chalet
Self timed for bragging rights, stopwatch provided
Sunday January 5th, our attention shifts to the Lake of the Woods Gun Club Biathlon Range and Trails
- Registration 10:00 am
- Zeroing 11:00 am
- Race 12:00 noon, race format TBD
- Registration found here:
Save the Date: January 25&26, 2025
Saturday Nordic racing at Mount Evergreen, technique and format TBD
Sunday Biathlon race at Lake of the Woods Gun Club
- Registration 10:00 am
- Zeroing 11:00 am
- Race start 12:00 noon, race format TBD
turday January 27, 2024:
MB Cup Race. KNBC Trails, Mt Evergreen Ski & Recreation Area. Free Technique. Registration & Race Notice on
Sunday January 28th, 2024:
Kenora’s first ever Biathlon Race! Lake of the Woods Gun Club. Registration and Race Notice on