KNBC trails are typically open December – March. The shoulder seasons: November and April/May typically require ‘rock’ skis: ski at your own risk. During open season KNBC trails are open 24-7. New for the 2022-23 season: Trail lighting! Frank Symonds, Jackrabbit and Matoo’s return are lit daily during the ski season from 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM.  Wax Hut and Paranordic Loop lit daily 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM.  Head lamp recommended for the remaining 15+ kmof our trail system that does not have lighting. Please note: The Mt Evergreen Chalet is only open to the public and members during scheduled times. Those who access KNBC trails outside of Chalet hours, access the trails directly from the parking lot. An outhouse is available at the Frank Symonds trail head. No other facilities are available when the Chalet is not open with the exception of the wax hut. The wax hut is accessible by key code for members only.


Individual Day Pass1 $15.00
Family Day Pass1 $45.00
Individual Season Pass for Youth $140.00
Individual Season Pass for Adults $140.00
Family Season Pass $225.00
Snowshoeing Day Pass2 $5.00

1 All Day Passes can be purchases online, at Trail Head or in Chalet when open.
2 Snowshoeing passes are included in all Day and Season Passes.



Cross country rental equipment is available in the Mt Evergreen Ski Club rental shop.

Adult Full Day Package (boots, skis, poles) $20.00
Adult 2 Hour Package (boots, skis, poles) $15.00
Skis $10.00
Boots $10.00
Poles $5.00
Youth Full Day Package (boots, skis, poles) $15.00
Youth 2 Hour Package (boots, skis, poles) $10.00

Challenging, well thought out and immaculately groomed trails. Long hard climbs, long sweeping down hills but all very skiable. A kind of mini-Canmore except prettier and more fun to ski. A true diamond in the rough which I plan to get to more often.

Andy Dwilow, Winnipeg, MB

KNBC would like to acknowledge the Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation, and the Moffatt Family Fund for $3,500 funding in support of the purchase of 2 Sit Skis and KNBC’s first ever Para Nordic program!


KNBC coaches are certified Nordiq Canada coaches. Our programming follows each stage of Nordiq Canada’s Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model which each reflects a different point in athlete development. The first three stages encourage physical literacy and sport experiences for all, while the Junior Development / Race Team focuses on further sport specific skill, physical development and competitive excellence.

Start Date: November 15, 2024

End Date: March 8, 2025

Schedule: Saturdays, 10:00am – 12:00pm

Location: Mt Evergreen Ski & Recreation Area

Cost: $145 per season

The first level of our programming is for children up to 5 years old (Caregiver presence is required for children 4 years or younger). Developed in parallel with the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP), Bunny Rabbit program materials include an enrollment kit, kid-friendly booklet and fun skill award stickers. The objective is to introduce cross-country skiing and the healthy lifestyle associated with it through organized activity and active play. Participants will develop a positive self-image, movement skills, an appreciation for the outdoors and new ski friendships. For more information contact [email protected]

Equipment: A limited number of entry level skis are available to participants on a first come, first serve basis. Participants are encouraged to come with equipment if possible (classic skis, no poles).

Cold Weather Policy: Coaches will cancel lessons if the weather is colder than -25 C or -28 C with a wind chill and indoor programming for that lesson can not be arranged. Please contact your coach if you are unsure whether your lesson will be cancelled.

Start Date: November 15, 2024

End Date: March 8, 2025

Schedule: Saturdays, 10:00am – 12:00pm

Location: Mt Evergreen Ski & Recreation Area

Cost: $145 per season

The second level of our programming is the “FUNdamentals” stage of development. It has been developed in parallel with the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). Program materials include an enrollment kit, special toque and an illustrated booklet that tracks levels of achievement. The objective is for children to learn basic cross-country ski skills, including classic and skating styles and to instill a lifelong interest in the sport. Participants will develop the basics of agility, balance, coordination and speed, as well as good ski technique habits, fun and fitness. This is a 14 session (28 instructional hour) program.  For more information contact [email protected]

Equipment: Jackrabbits are required to come to sessions with classic skis, and boots (poles not used until later in programming). Season equipment rental available for $75 per season (to be used during scheduled lessons only). As equipment sizes are limited, availability based on first come, first serve basis.

Cold Weather Policy: Coaches will cancel lessons if the weather is colder than -25 C or -28 C with a wind chill and indoor programming for that lesson can not be arranged. Please contact your coach if you are unsure whether your lesson will be cancelled.

This program is combined with the “Junior Development / Kenora Nordic Race Team” for the 2023-24 season.


Start Date: September 9, – December 13, 2024


Start Date: January 6 – March 14, 2025

Schedule: Wednesday 5:00 – 6:30 pm & Saturday 11:30 – 1:00 pm

Location: Mt Evergreen Ski & Recreation Area

Cost: $290 FULL SEASON ($165 Dryland Only)

The fourth level of programming provides athletes coaching based on the “Train to Train” and “Learn to Compete” principles set out in the Nordiq Canada Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) training guidelines. Although athletes are encouraged and can be supported to build/maintain fitness throughout the summer, team training begins in September with action-pack dryland training programming (including running, pole-striding, and roller-skiing). The transition to snow begins as soon as conditions allow! In general, cross-country training activities focus on establishing aerobic capacity and power, through sport-specific and individual-specific skills, self-awareness, and independence. Athletes are supported to learn how to prepare and participate in all aspects of both informal and formal race events. Prior ski or other sport-specific training experience required. The program runs 2 sessions per week for approximately 3 hours of coaching per week. For more information regarding Junior Development contact [email protected].

Equipment: Walking poles (fall), Classic & Skate boots (or Combi boots), Roller ski carbide tips for skate poles (interchangeable), and additional equipment as required per coaching staff. Ownership of at least 1 pair of skis is required however a minimum of 2 sets of skis is strongly encouraged (Classic skis/poles and Skate skis/poles). Season ski & pole rental available for $75 per season per set of skis (to be used during scheduled lessons only). As equipment sizes are limited, availability based on first come, first serve basis.

Cold Weather Policy: Coaches will cancel lessons if the weather is colder than -25 C or -28 C with a wind chill and indoor programming for that lesson can not be arranged. Please contact your coach if you are unsure whether your lesson will be cancelled.

NEW For Fall 2024:

Dryland Session:

Start Date: October 15, 2024 – November 23, 2024

Take your fitness on a journey to prepare you for snow and skis.

Every Tuesday 6-7:30 pm; Saturday 10-12 noon

COST: $65 (or $185 FULL SEASON)

On-Snow Session:

Start Dates: Dec 14 – Feb 26, 2025

Bring on the snow: sessions will focus on improving both classic and skate technique performance.

Every Tuesday 6-7:30 pm; Saturday 10-12 noon

Cost: $120 (or $185 Full Season)

The Adult Program is a peer-led group of skiers who love to be outside no matter the weather. If you love skiing and want some incentive in the company of other ski lovers, come on out! We coordinate skate ski and classic ski sessions twice a week with the goal of increasing fitness, developing/improving skills, making new friends, and having fun! Fall sessions focus on “dryland” training, followed by on-snow ski training activities. Group activities include “full-moon” potluck skis, technique workshops, ski bingo challenge, opportunities to participate in racing or casual fun Loppet events, and opportunities to try your hand at biathlon.  For more information on this program contact [email protected]

This program is an individualised-introductory program geared to youth participants with visual or physical disability interested in trying cross country skiing. The program is offered per request and based on coaching availability. Sit ski equipment is available for trial through the generous granting of funds offered by the Kenora Foundation and KNBC. Support to source additional equipment available. For more information regarding para nordic contact [email protected]

Equipment: Sit Ski demo equipment available for loan.  Loan of rental classic ski package also available for lessons.

Cost: TBA

Start Date:

SESSION 1: September 26, 2024 – November 7, 2024 (No session on Halloween)

SESSION 2: Dec 5,2,19 break January 9,16,23

SESSION 3: January 30 – March 6, 2025

Time: Thursday’s; YOUTH: 5:00-6:15 pm / ADULT: 6:30 – 8:00 pm

Location: Lake of the Woods Gun Club, Highway 596, Gun Club Road

Cost: $120 per 6 week SESSION with club equipment (rifle/ammunition) / $50 per 6 week SESSION with your own equipment

Europe loves Biathlon! And you will too. come and learn all about this winter sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. For all levels. Previous nordic ski experience is not needed, although it is recommended. Consider joining our small but mighty community for a fun winter season.

All biathlon Members must purchase Biathlon Canada membership separately: Biathlon Canada

Lake of the Woods Gun Club Membership encouraged for all. Mandatory for those with own or personal rented rifles: Lake of the Woods gun Club

For more information contact:[email protected]


KNBC maintains and operates the “Forgotten Lake Snowshoe” trail, a 2.5 km snowshoe in and 2.5 km return for a return trip total of 5 km. The trail is accessed from the north end of the upper parking lot (look for the “Blue” sign). Be sure to allow a minimum of 2 hours to complete the entire trail. Passes are available at the Mt Evergreen Chalet during hours of operation for $5.00. Snowshoe rental available from the rental shop during hours of operation (see Mt Evergreen Hours of Operation & Rental Shop tab for details). Trail access is included in fees paid by KNBC members and trail pass holders.

The Forgotten Lake trail boasts picturesque vistas overlooking the Canadian Shield and greatness of the boreal forest. Enjoy the unique flora and fauna of this forrest and occasional sightings of local habitat. You just might want to bring your camera! While the trail is family friendly, some sections of the trail are of greater difficulty (some climbing). The first kilometre is considered safe for most age and ability levels.

Trail users are asked to please stick to the flagged snowshoe trail and only cross the Cross Country Ski trail at designated areas. Walking on groomed ski trails results in damage to these trails. Violators may be banned from future trail use.


KNBC is grateful for the 2021 support provided by Nordiq Canada and AltaGas to bring KNBC Zone4 Race Timing Equipment up to state of the art standards! Our Club is proud to host multiple CCSAM Cup and recreation race opportunities for local skiers and is committed to ensuring high quality race experiences continue to be offered.

Thank you Nordiq Canada and AltaGas!

KNBC would like to than the Community Foundation for their generous 2024 donation to the Ski Playground equipment!

Thank you to Sport Manitoba’s Canada Games Legacy fund for the 2024 purchase of new rental skis!


Save the dates: January 4&5, 2025

Join us Saturday evening, January 4th  under the lights from 4 -7 pm on our KNBC trails, Mt Evergreen Ski Area, at our 6km lit loop for a Nordic ski Festival. 

  • 4-6 pm: Ski under the lights with fun/silly races
  • 6-7 pm: Chili & Bannock $15 per person
  • Email [email protected] to reserve your chili dinner

We will offer a warm-up trail and then host some fun short loop events such as:

  • No poles, legs only
  • Double poling
  • Hill climb race
  • Dinner to follow in the Chalet

Self timed for bragging rights, stopwatch provided

Sunday January 5th, our attention shifts to the Lake of the Woods Gun Club Biathlon Range and Trails

Save the Date: January 25&26, 2025

Saturday Nordic racing at Mount Evergreen, technique and format TBD

Sunday Biathlon race at Lake of the Woods Gun Club

  • Registration 10:00 am
  • Zeroing 11:00 am
  • Race start 12:00 noon, race format TBD

turday January 27, 2024:

MB Cup Race. KNBC Trails, Mt Evergreen Ski & Recreation Area.  Free Technique. Registration & Race Notice on Zone4.ca.

Sunday January 28th, 2024:

Kenora’s first ever Biathlon Race! Lake of the Woods Gun Club.  Registration and Race Notice on Zone4.ca.